The Center for Research in Social Complexity (CICS) opens a call for women who are mothers for a presencial study on human behavior, in Santiago, Chile. Voluntary participation is fundamental and, as such, is recognized with the remuneration for their commitment.
The CICS Animal and Human Behavior Laboratory (LABCAH-CICS), began its third stage of data collection within the framework of the regular FONDECYT project (1200607). This research seeks to understand how cooperation and aggression are expressed by both sexes in competitive settings within and between groups of people.
“In this research, people have fun answering questionnaires and deploying strategies in virtual games,” explains José Antonio Muñoz, principal investigator of the project.
This third stage of data collection will begin in April and will end in June of this year. “We hope to reach our goal of 600 participants to finally elucidate our main research questions, which for this stage focus on the strategic behavior of women who have young children,” said Pablo Polo, co-investigator of the project.
The call is for women between 18 and 45 years old, with daughters or sons up to 7 years old. Volunteers can earn between $15,000 and $30,000 for their participation.
Volunteers can register by writing to