Ana María Fernández

Ph. D in Psychology, Universidad de Chile - DCCS Visiting Professor

DCCS Visiting Professor
Director Laboratorio de Evolución Relaciones Interpersonales (Leri), Psychology Faculty, Universidad de Santiago

Ph. D in Psychology, Universidad de Chile.
MSc in Experimental Psychology, Universidad California State, San Bernardino, EEUU.
BA in Psychology, Universidad de Texas, Austin, EEUU.
Psychology School. Universidad de Santiago. Chile.
Associate Professor and Researcher.


Foundations of Social Cognition and Social Behavior

Research Interests:
Foundations of Human Behavior, Evolutionary Psychology, Psychometrics, Social Psychology, Experimental Psychology. Cross Cultural Psychology.

[email protected]
Teléfono: 2 2718 4371
Dirección: Av. Lib. Bernardo O’Higgins 3363



  • Fernandez, A. M., Muñoz-Reyes, J. A., Dufey, M., Buccioni, G. y Cid, V. (2015). Adaptación del Cuestionario de Componentes del Valor de Pareja al contexto chileno. Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnóstico y Evaluación-e Avaliaçao Psicológica, 40, 94 -102.
  • Fernandez, A. M., & Dufey, M. (2015). Adaptation of Collins´ dimensional adult attachment scale revised to the Chilean context. Psicologia Reflexão e Crítica, 28, 242-252. doi: 10.1590/1678-7153.201528204
  • Fernandez, A. M., Muñoz-Reyes, A., Dufey, M., Pavez, P., Baeza, C. G., Kinkead, P. (2015). Sex differences in jealousy are not explained by attachment style in men and women from Chile. Human Ethology Bulletin, 30,139-151.
  • Dufey, M., Hurtado, E., Fernández, A., Manes, F. & Ibáñez, A. (2011). Exploring the relationship between vagal tone and event-related potentials in response to an affective picture task. Social Neuroscience, 6, 48-62. DOI:10.1080/17470911003691402.
  • Fernández, A. M., Sierra, J. C., Vera-Villarroel, P. & Zubeidat, I. (2007). Distress to Emotional or Sexual Infidelity: Evidence of

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Desde julio 2019 hasta julio 2024

Agencia: Acreditado por la Comisión Nacional de Acreditación (CNA)