Jorge Castillo Sepúlveda

CLASS OF 2014 - Ph.D. in Social Complexity Science, Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile.

Data scientist at Z Data Lab, Chile: database analysis and processing, development of analytical tools, research in quantitative analysis and mathematical modeling.

Ph.D. in Social Complexity Science, School of Government, Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile.
Mathematical engineer, Universidad de Concepción, Chile.

Research interests:
Transitions in evolution, cultural evolution, theory of complexity, evolution of complexity, analysis of social networks, mathematical modeling.

Mail: [email protected]
Phone: 56 (2) 2327 9701
Address: Av. Las Condes 12461, Las Condes, Santiago de Chile.



  • Póster en Conference on complex systems 2016 (Ámsterdam, Netherlands): “A social network analysis for the bonobos society at Wamba, RD Congo”
  • Charla en HBES 2017 (Boise, Idaho, EEUU): “Play and complexity: resource availability changes social network structure of wild bonobos”
    Poster en Conference on complex systems 2017 (Cancun. Mexico): “On the evolution of western modern art: Characterizing a paradigm shift in the production of painting artists”
  • Charla en Bases de la conducta humana 2017: “Evolución de la complejidad y aplicaciones en evolución sociocultural”

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Acreditado por 5 años

Desde julio 2019 hasta julio 2024

Agencia: Acreditado por la Comisión Nacional de Acreditación (CNA)