Estudios: | Doctor en Ciencias Médicas, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2012, Chile |
Laboratorio: | Laboratorio de Neurociencia Social y Neuromodulación |
Grupos de Trabajo DCCS: | neuroCICS |
Líneas investigación DCCS: | Fundamentos de la cognición y el comportamiento social (Foundations of Social Cognition and Social Behavior) |
Proyectos vigentes: | ANID-FONDECYT Regular 1211227 (2021-2025): Neurobiological mechanisms of value representation under uncertainty |
Cursos DCCS: | Métodos en Neurociencia Social; Neurociencia Social |
Tesistas: | Nicolás Ferrer (Supervisor); Víctor Márquez (Supervisor) |
Últimas publicaciones: | L. Kausel; F. Zamorano; P. Billeke; M. E. Sutherland; M. I. Alliende; J. Larrain‐Valenzuela; P. Soto‐Icaza; F. Aboitiz. Theta and alpha oscillations may underlie improved attention and working memory in musically trained children. Brain and Behavior (2024). |
Maëva Michon; Pablo Billeke; Gabriela Galgani; Francisco Aboitiz. Sub-visemic discrimination and the effect of visual resemblance on silent lip-reading. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience. (2024). | |
Figueroa-Vargas, A., Góngora, B., Alonso, M.F. et al. The effect of a cognitive training therapy based on stimulation of brain oscillations in patients with mild cognitive impairment in a Chilean sample: study protocol for a phase IIb, 2 × 3 mixed factorial, double-blind randomised controlled trial. Trials 25, 144 (2024). | |
Valdebenito-Oyarzo G, Martínez-Molina MP, Soto-Icaza P, Zamorano F, Figueroa-Vargas A, Larraín-Valenzuela J, et al. (2024) The parietal cortex has a causal role in ambiguity computations in humans. PLoS Biol 22(1): e3002452. |