Título tesis: Cooperation in social dilemmas: biological foundations and context-dependent social norms.
Resumen tesis:
En esta tesis, se exploró como la pertenencia a comunidades de pescadores artesanales que explotan recursos de forma sostenible, los vuelve menos propensos a caer en la tragedia de los comunes, pues construyen redes de interdependencia, basadas en colaboración para la explotación de recursos (ver publicación asociada: https://conbio.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/cobi.13758) Vinculación teórica: ConduCICS; Metodología: Ciencia de datos; Modelamiento estadístico; Teoría de juegos.
Silva J, Rivera M, Hong C, Clawson G, Hoover B, Butera T, Oyanedel R, McDonald G…….et all. 2022. Assessing the drivers of vessel tracking systems adoption for improved small-scale fisheries management. Ocean & coastal management. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2022.106265
Wilson M, Lawson J, Rivera M, Villasenor JC, Gaines S. 2022. Evaluating Conditions for Moored Fish Aggregating Device Fisheries Development in the Caribbean and Bermuda. Frontiers in marine science. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2022.827068
Rivera-Hechem, M. I., Guzmán, R. A., Rodríguez-Sickert, C., & Gelcich, S. (2021). Effects of experience with access regimes on stewardship behaviors of small-scale fishers. Conservation biology : the journal of the Society for Conservation Biology, 35(6), 1913–1922. https://doi.org/10.1111/cobi.13758
Rivera-Hechem, M. I., Rodríguez-Sickert, C., Guzmán, R. A., Ramírez-Parada, T., Benavides, F., Landaeta-Torres, V., Aspé-Sánchez, M., & Repetto, G. M. (2020). No association between genetic variants in MAOA, OXTR, and AVPR1a and cooperative strategies. PLoS ONE, 15(12), Article e0244189. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0244189
Wilson M, Lawson J, Rivera M, Villasenor JC, Gaines S. 2020. Status and trends of moored fish aggregating device (MFAD) fisheries in the Caribbean and Bermuda. Marine policy. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2020.104148